窯元 : 小西陶古
産地 : 備前焼 (岡山県)
住所 : 〒705-0001 岡山県備前市伊部640
窯元 小西陶古は、備前焼本来の赤松を使用した伝統の焼成を守り、量より質に重点を置いたものづくりを行っています。
代々作家の家系で、明治初期の細工の名工と云われた永見陶楽の孫にあたる初代小西陶古(本名 小西陶一郎)が窯元を設立。
Konishi Touko is a Bizen ware ‘kamamoto’, a kind of ceramic factory which has many craftsmen with various duties. They have been making Bizen-wares by the traditional way of firing, using red pine wood with special emphasis on the importance of quality more than amount. Bizen-wares have more colors without glaze, compared to other unglazed pottery. Bizen-wares are made by an encounter of clay with fire, so they pay much attention to the selection of clay as it affects the quality of the product. After many trials in 1926, the masters Mimura Toukei and Konishi Touko, the first artists, together discovered the technique for making San-giri color type using charcoal in a climbing kiln. This process helped in the development of present Bizen-wares. So they particularly have confidence in the vivid type of Bizen-wares called San-giri made in their climbing kiln (noborigama). Konishi Touko products are also known for its beautiful figurines, which require sensitive work and high skills.